Edan Gorlicki (Heidelberg/Groningen) : Boiling Cold // Dance

Our world is experiencing an enormous technical progress with developments to make life easier; quickly and efficiently. But is that really the case? Because processes shape not only the system, but also the people who live in it. Individuals exist who constantly want to adapt, who want to be faster, smarter and more efficient: errors and omissions are undesirable.
The result is an imbalance that literally cooks in our bodies: We are trying to accept the system and at the same time we feel the urge to rebel. In Boiling Cold two dancers embody these conflicting principles of adaptation and protest. Dealing with scenarios of the year 2066, the choreography draws the portrait of a perhaps not very distant reality: Shown is an environment of failure, an atmosphere free of solidarity and empathy, in which people try to communicate with each other.

Concept and Choreography: Edan Gorlicki

Performers und Co-creators: Mayke van Kruchten & Evandro Pedroni

Text: Catherine Guerin & Edan Gorlicki

Music: Johannes Bartmes

Light Design: Ingo Jooß

Dramaturgy: Eva-Maria Steinel


In collaboration with the Theater Felina-Areal Mannheim and the Choreographischen Centrums Heidelberg as part of Linie 26 - TANZ REGIONAL METROPOL


Edan Gorlicki, born in Israel, is a choreographer, coach and Movement Research trainer. His dance training led him to engagements with the Batsheva Ensemble, Inbal Pinto Dance Company, NND / Galilidance and Club Guy & Roni. Since then he presents his work in many European countries.
