Maya Zbib & Omar Abi Azar (Beirut) : Irregular // Theaterperformance

Three characters come together through time and space : a hysteric women from the past, an activist of the present and a cyborg (half man, half machine) from the future. They lead a philosophical conversation about body, emotion and spirit. In the past, the hysteria was the strangest and unseizable of all diseases accompanied by female oppression and social stress and was generally located in the uterus. The hysteria research thus forms a counterpoint to contemporary brain research that emanates from the rationality and programmability of the people. Will there be no psychosomatic disorders and emotional stress in the future? Zoukak will cite their own analytical precision, figures and characters from popular culture and history and create sumptuous images with few resources in our minds.

Concept, Direction and Performance: Maya Zbib, Omar Abi Azar, Lamia Abi Azar / Digital Arts: Maya Chami / Co-produced by Zoukak Theatre Company


Maya Zbib, born in 1981 in Lebanon, a founding member of Zoukak Theatre Company and Cultural Association, is a director and performer. Her works such as The Music Box or Silk thread were performed at international festivals and theaters such as in Berlin, London, and New York. Since 2013 she co-curated Zoukak Sidewalks, an international performance platform for a variety of artists in the Zoukak Studios.