Aphids / Willoh S. Weiland & James Brennan (Melbourne) : Spooky Action at a Distance // Live-Art
Inspired by the female NASA employees who were trained but never allowed to fly the Apollo missions, Spooky Action at a Distance uses as its starting point moments in history that could have been vastly different if only we'd allowed them to be true. If women had gone to the moon, if Google really wasn't evil, if Hilary Clinton really did sleep with Yoko Ono, what would the future look like?
Responding to the Schwindelfrei festivals theme of ' The World in 2066', this is a live artwork that takes audiences to a new and fantastical planet that has been formed by a very different history to ours.
Part-installation, part re-enactment, this is a terrifying utopia where live video interacts with fictional landscapes and vice versa. It is unsafe, without oxygen and potentially intensely fun.
Direction: Willoh S.Weiland / Composition: James Brennan
Aphids is an artist organization from Melbourne, which realizes great live art projects thorugh the means of performance, music and newtechnology. The Aphids artists collaborate interdisciplinary and are driven by the belief that the arts have a social function.
Willoh S. Weiland is the director, curator and artistic director of Aphids. In recent years she has implemented in a trilogy about art and space.
James Brennan is the director, performer and composer of this live art performance and eagerly develops new radical projects with laity.